Announcement: Electronic Media Posts

Announcement: Electronic Media Posts

04 August 2016

Regarding posts in the electronic media, the Company states that the quote “the Board will propose not to distribute a dividend in the current year in order to hold the profits to form an equivalent reserve, as part of the Company’s prudent capital management” that is included in Annex 1 of the Prospectus dated 07/21/2016”, refers to the fiscal year ended 31.12.2015 and not to the current fiscal year 2016.

It should be mentioned that under the current legislation the R.E.I.C. distributes at least 50% of annual net distributable profits. Further, in accordance with Article 23 of the Statute of Intercontinental International R.E.I.C., the Company distributes to its shareholders 75% of the annual net distributable profits. Any relevant decision for the current fiscal year 2016 will be announced in a timely manner to shareholders and investors in accordance with the applicable rules of stock exchange legislation, following a decision of the General Assembly.

2017-04-24T13:33:40+00:00 August 4, 2016|